Going Monadic

This is tutorial explains how to make a script to remove duplicated files in a directory in Haskell. As so this program was written as an introduction to monadic programming.

I'm going to use md5 hash do compare each file. This means that files with the same md5 have the the same content and so are duplicated.

md5 :: ByteString -> Digest MD5 md5 = hash

A ByteString is a binary string, it's a block of memory with the file content, this function receives a file content (in bytestring form) and hash's it.

Lets read a file content with readFile :: FilePath -> IO ByteString a function that takes a String (FilePath) and returns the binary content of a file inside an IO. To escape IO we can use left arrow <- . This arrow decapsulate the things inside IO. In this example : (content <- readFile fp) content is not of type IO ByteString but ByteString.

I'll return a pair of the file's name and it's hash:

makeHash :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Digest MD5) makeHash fp = do content <- readFile fp return (fp, md5 content)

Assuming I apply this function to every file in a directory I can find which files are duplicated by comparing the second element of each pair (hash).

Algorithmically finding duplicated items in a list is equivalent to substrancting ( \\ - list subtraction ) to the original list, the same list but without duplicates:

duplicated l = l \\ nubBy (\(_,b)(_,d) -> b == d) l

a more interesting way to define duplicated

There's one combinator that allow us to make this function pointfree and it's the bind >>=. ``` duplicated = nubBy (\(_,b)(_,d) -> b == d) >>= flip (\\) ``` It might not make sence but here's a simple definition of bind that does not use monadic power, this makes it possible to rearrange the inputs we pass to numBy and (\\). ``` (>>=) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> a -> c) -> a -> c f >>= k = \ r -> k (f r) r ```

The next step is to map makeHash to every element of a directory. Suppose we have a list of strings that are file paths, to map them to makeHash means to produce a list with IO inside because makeHash :: FilePath -> IO (FilePath, Digest MD5)

ghci> :t map makeHash map makeHash :: [FilePath] -> [IO (FilePath, Digest MD5)]

That's getting weird, We need to traverse the list and swap the IO monad with the List so that we produce the more intuitive IO [(FilePath, Digest MD5)]. You can read that type as "a side effect that produces Lists of pair of filepath and it's hash".

The way to this is with the sequence functions, it swaps 2 nested monads!

ghci> :t sequence sequence :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => t (m a) -> m (t a)

This way we produce the final result

ghci> :t sequence . map makeHash sequence . map makeHash :: [FilePath] -> IO [(FilePath, Digest MD5)]
